Use These Safety Strategies To Make Your Rafting Outing Safe

If you have a high sense of adventure, you might love the idea of visiting a whitewater adventure center and being led down the river by experienced guides. However, if you'd rather try an outdoor activity that provides a little less adrenaline, you can buy an inflatable raft and hit your local lake or river for an afternoon of fun. Even if you aren't traveling through whitewater, you may occasionally come across an area with a strong current or some moderate waves, which can provide a bit of a thrill. [Read More]

Beginner Equipment Buying Tips To Help You Catch Trout

Fishing is one of the most popular recreational activities within the Unites States, with over $15 billion dollars spent every year on equipment and supplies. There are almost 50 million fishermen in the country, and you may be considering joining the ranks of the fishermen in your area. If you live in the northeastern part of the country by one of the great lakes, then you have access to trout. If you want to start trout fishing, then learn about a few things you are going to need before going on your first fishing adventure. [Read More]

Exploring 5 Health Benefits Of Golfing

Golf is commonly referred to as the gentleman's game. Not only is it a sport of leisure, it is recognized as one of the most popular sports all around the world. The question is – did you know there are a lot of health benefits you can reap by playing golf? Benefit #1: You Burn Calories Did you know golfers who carry their own bag of gear can burn as many as 721 calories? [Read More]

Four Great Boats For Fishermen

Are you a fishing enthusiast who has spent too many years fishing from the shoreline or from your best buddy's boat? Is it time to for you to finally bite the bullet and get your own boat? If so, here are four great boats that work exceptionally well for fishermen. Dinghies If you've never owned your own boat before, a great first boat is a dinghy. These little boats are small and lightweight, so they are super easy to transport. [Read More]